
Things you might not know about Me

Places I've Lived: Fair Haven, NJ, Tokyo, Japan, Villanova, PA, Washington, DC

Education/Training: Bachelors of Science in Nursing from Villanova University, Masters of Science in Nursing from Georgetown University

Why OB/GYN? It is a unique specialty that allows me to serve women throughout out all phases of their lives. The relationship between a woman and her provider is arguably one of the most sacred and one that I look forward to developing with all of my patients.

Who Knew: I met Justin Bieber!

Travel Memories: Riding elephants with my sisters in Phuket, Thailand!

Someday I plan to go to: Santorini, Greece

These are some things I do in my spare time: Spending time with my family, our dogs Frank and Lou, and Barre

A really big accomplishment: Finishing my Masters during a global pandemic and landing my dream job at Bloom!

Favorite Book: Anything by Gillian Flynn

Favorite TV Show: Law and Order SVU…in another life I’d be a detective

Favorite Words: Can it be in Japanese? Natsukashii – nostalgia for a time, place or thing

Favorite Quote: “Hold your people close and make sure they know how much they mean to you” – Grace Wenzel

Favorite Food: Chocolate cake, nothing fancy, Betty Crocker will do just fine

What superpower would you most like to have? Time travel!

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